What is a Reverse Osmosis Filtration System?

If you've never heard of a Reverse Osmosis system before, you probably have a lot of questions about what makes this kind of water filtration different from what you'd find in something like a standard filter pitcher or a water bottle with a built-in water filter. That's a fair question, and once you know how the process of reverse osmosis works, it's easier to understand why investing in a reverse osmosis filtration system makes sense. The key difference between Reverse Osmosis system and standard filtration is how the filtration process works .

In most drip-through pitchers and water bottle filters, water runs through a carbon filter, which snags most of the impurities and passes clean water through. It's fairly effective, but it doesn't remove some classes of impurities because it doesn't have the ability to filter the water to as great a degree as an Reverse Osmosis filter system.

Why is that? It's because of the membrane used in the Reverse Osmosis filter process, which is designed to grab ions and larger molecules, so only the small water molecules make it through.

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